Six on Saturday - end of the year
Posted Sat 29 December 2018 in garden
Its nearly the end of the year, and with it the end of my second gardening year.
Last year, there was some very cold weather in December, which finished off the tender plants, but it has been much milder this year and I still have several flowers. More than six in fact, so leaving out the Geum, Helenium, Lavender, Penstemon, Sidalcea and Winter Jasmine.
1 Pelargonium
I planted these all around the garden and they didn't do much, although it has been interesting seeing where they grew well and where not. I suspect that there may still be some interest in seeing which ones are overcome by the cold first.
Anyway, I don't believe that they have managed to get into any of my Sixes, so while there is still time, here is one of them.
2 Coreopsis grandiflora 'Sunray'
This has been flowering non-stop for ages, although the flowers have been reducing in size. This one is however is pretty much full size.
3 Primula
I'd be interested to find out what is eating the primula flowers, as many appear to have been eaten. These ones are still looking good (in real life, if not so much in the photo).
4 Osteospermum 'Lady Leitrim'
This has never been covered in flowers, but it spread very well this year. It is managing to throw up one last flower.
5 Cyclamen coum
This is the one that I bought this year. I noticed that one from last year has a lot of buds and should be flowering soon.
6 Cyclamen
I had a couple of tender cyclamen last year and they had turned to mush by mid December. So far so good for this one.
That is the last Six on Saturday for the year, a Happy new Year to everyone.
To see the other 'Sixes' see this weeks post by our host The propagator.
Posted by Steve
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