End of August round up
Posted Sat 31 August 2019 in garden
Compare with last year.
The average temperature was 16.2C with a minimum of 8.4C and maximum of 26.3C It rained on 17 days, with a total 115mm
Picture round up
I'm late finishing this so just a quick look through some pictures this month.
Roscoea purpurea 'Spice Island'
New this year. Looks exotic but supposedly hardy - we shall see.
It has been a great year for butterflies, with all the Verbena that there is this year. There have been a lot of Painted Lady butterflies - I've seen up to 15 at the same time. In spite of the numbers it seemed to be difficult to get a photo of several together.
This appeared out of nowhere, grew quite tall and had a fair number of flowers. I guess I will have them for ever more now.
Phlox paniculata 'Laura'
Lobelia cardinalis 'Bees' Flame'
The Liatris are building up now after the first year lack of success, there are a couple of clumps now with 5 or so flowers each.
In the foreground is new this year Lythrum salicaria 'Feuerkerze'.
This really took a long time to appear.
In the background is Lythrum virgatum 'Rosy gem' which I've had
since the first year.
Phlox 'Pink posie'
This is new this year, and hasn't grown particularly tall.
Alstroemeria 'Summer breeze'Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm'/
The Rudbeckia has spread very well and I've divided it into two.
Front garden
I've removed part of the outer row of hedging and started to plant it
up. The plan is to have a flowering hedge of Salvia, Lavender and
so on. While things are growing I got a tray of snapdragons to plant
around and along with some self seeded California Poppies it is quite
colourful. The Salvia at the left edge is S. 'Dayglow'.
Echinacea purpurea
New this year. My existing one did return this year with some leaves
but not a single flower, so glad I got these.
Campanula glomerata 'Freya'
New this year, it has this single clump of flowers, hoping for some
more next year.
Digitalis × valinii Illumination rose 'Tmdgfp001' (Illumination Series)
This is an interesting variation on the foxglove. It is supposed to
be perennial.
Echinops rito
Both of the Echinops have flowered this year. Just a couple of flowers, but that is more than last year.
And a bonus bee.
Posted by Steve
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