Posted Wed 12 September 2018 in garden
This is Lysimachia Candela 'Innlyscand'.
It is a smaller Lysimachia, about a foot high.
At the moment it is rather hidden by everything around it.
The flowers are white, and the spikes curve a little, somewhat like
Lysimachia clethroides.
![[6761] Photo 6761](/blog/2018/Sep/lysimachia/img_6761.jpg)
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Posted Sat 01 September 2018 in garden
I am well behind with writing things up, but I thought I would
do a Six on Saturday anyway, just to make the problem worse.
There are lots more sixes from gardens around
the world, see this weeks
post at The propagator for more.
1. Sanguisorba hakusanensis 'Lilac Squirrel'
This was one of my must-have plants for this year.
It is now at about its peak with many long tassel like flowers.
![[6752] Photo 6752](/blog/2018/Sep/six-on-the-1st-september/img_6752.jpg)
2. Lobelia cardinalis 'Bees' Flame'
This is new this year too.
The flowers are similar to the 'Starship scarlet', perhaps a bit
bigger. The plant is much taller, which is a disadvantage in this
location, as the wind blowing around the side of the house causes
everything in this area to lean.
In the background are a couple of the blue Gladioli 'Blue mountain'. I have a small patch of these in the main area and they have …
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Posted Fri 31 August 2018 in garden
See the August round up for last year.
I suppose this is the peak month for flowers in the garden so lets
start of with some pictures.
- Gladioli
- This was one of the 'mixed' selection I bought, that were all
red/orange or orange/red. This one stands out for being completely
![[6741] Photo 6741](/blog/2018/Aug/end-of-august-round-up/img_6741.jpg)
- Lobelia cardinalis 'Bee's flame'
- The dry weather this summer may not have been ideal for the Lobelia
but they have all flowered well enough. This has been perhaps the
![[6722] Photo 6722](/blog/2018/Aug/end-of-august-round-up/img_6722.jpg)
- Rudbekia
- this has bulked out a lot this year. Strangely the place where the
flower stems were last year, is devoid of them this. All the flowers
this year are in front (towards the house) of last years.
![[6723] Photo 6723](/blog/2018/Aug/end-of-august-round-up/img_6723.jpg)
- Geranium wallichianum 'Crystal Lake'
- This has a lovely flower, but the plant is spread out in among other things and there is only the occasional flower. I'm going to have …
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Posted Sat 25 August 2018 in garden
I know it doesn't look much, but I get so pleased whenever I see this
This was one of three that came in a packet.
One was dead on arrival (probably), and the other has leaves at ground
level but has not grown a stalk at all.
I got another packet of three from Aldi, and they turned out to be
saponaria ocymoides. Yes I know, not even close.
So it is one out of six. It even has a side branch with another
flower bud.
![[6690] Photo 6690](/blog/2018/Aug/my-single-echinacea-flower/img_6690.jpg)
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Posted Sat 25 August 2018 in garden
These are the butterflies seen during August.
I am no expert on identifying them so I hope I have got the right
Comma butterfly
This was on a Geum 'Lady Stratheden'.
Seen on the 1st of August.
![[20180801_123556717] Photo 20180801_123556717](/blog/2018/Aug/butterflies-seen-recently/img_20180801_123556717.jpg)
Cabbage white butterfly
I'm not sure if this is a Large White or a Small White.
It is on a Ligularia flower.
Seen on the 18th August.
![[6679] Photo 6679](/blog/2018/Aug/butterflies-seen-recently/img_6679.jpg)
Butterfly on Helianthus
Not sure what this is, it may be a Small Copper.
Seen on the 25th August.
![[6711] Photo 6711](/blog/2018/Aug/butterflies-seen-recently/img_6711.jpg)
Speckled wood on Rudbeckia
I believe this is a Speckled Wood.
They are quite variable in colour, and the sunlight is reflecting
yellow onto and maybe through the wings to some extent.
Also on the 25th August.
![[6719] Photo 6719](/blog/2018/Aug/butterflies-seen-recently/img_6719.jpg)
Peacock butterfly
A Peacock butterfly was also seen, but its picture came out blurred, so
not shown here. I expect there will be one to show in September.
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Posted Sat 18 August 2018 in garden
I planted about 20 of these 'Blue mountain' Gladioli, mostly together
in this clump.
They were planted quite deeply and all but one have remained standing
without any staking.
![[6683] Photo 6683](/blog/2018/Aug/gladioli/img_6683.jpg)
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Posted Sat 18 August 2018 in garden
First noticed this Cyclamen was flowering about a week ago, wasn't
really expecting it so early.
![[6673] Photo 6673](/blog/2018/Aug/cyclamen-flowering/img_6673.jpg)
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Posted Sat 11 August 2018 in garden
1 Lobelia
This is L. 'Fan salmon' at the front and just behind it
L. 'Starship scarlet'.
The 'Starship scarlet' which was one of my favourite plants of last
year did not survive the winter, so this is a replacement for
this year.
The 'Fan salmon' was severely eaten by snails last year.
Most of the leaves were stripped off as well as the outer part of the stalks and
unsurprisingly there were hardly any flowers on it.
However it did survive the winter and is flowering now.
The flowers are less dense than the Starship.
Also there is Sidalcea 'Little princess' and Lythrum in the
![[6661] Photo 6661](/blog/2018/Aug/six-on-the-11th/img_6661.jpg)
2 Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm'
The plant has spread greatly since last year.
However not really more flowers, at least so far.
![[6662] Photo 6662](/blog/2018/Aug/six-on-the-11th/img_6662.jpg)
3 Liatris
After last years Liatris disaster, where there was not a single flower, this year I have about four. I …
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