Posted Wed 10 May 2017 in garden
On one of the bluebells it has looked for a few days
as if there may be something growing from the center.
It is too small for me to see properly, but with this
closeup photo it does appear that a flower stalk may
be growing.
I am so excited!
![[4955] Photo 4955](/blog/2017/May/bud-on-bluebell/img_4955.jpg)
Click to
Posted Wed 10 May 2017 in garden
I planted 6 gazanias recently and now the first one has flowered. It
one is red which was a bit of a surprise to me even though I was
thinking "that bud looks red" while I was planting it.
They flowers only open when the sun is shining and perhaps it has
to be warm enough too as this one is barely open even though it
was very sunny at the time.
![[4953] Photo 4953](/blog/2017/May/gazania/img_4953.jpg)
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Posted Wed 10 May 2017 in house
It is now 7 weeks after planting and the seedlings are going to
be planted out.
The hardening off process was mixed, the zinnia suffered quite a bit
with the leaves drying and shrivelling. The other ones seem fine. I
decided to keep the basil indoors so that is not included.
Planting into the small cells was, I think, a success for the zinnia
as they have seeds large enough that you can plant one or two in each
cell. For the lobelia I would have preferred to plant in a larger
pot, as I find that easier to pick out small bunches for planting.
It worked out well enough for the Californian poppies and the petunias too.
Most of them are destined for containers and
the rest will be planted directly into the ground.
Here is one of the zinnia, it has plenty of roots but its lower leaves …
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Posted Tue 09 May 2017 in garden
In the wild flower section
at the garden center
I saw a meadow buttercup and realized that
this was what I had growing in a few places.
Now it has flowered and as you can see
it really is a buttercup.
![[4933] Photo 4933](/blog/2017/May/meadow-buttercup/img_4933.jpg)
Click to
Posted Tue 09 May 2017 in garden
I bought this Eryngium at the weekend and planted it
this evening.
Its full name is Eryngium × zabelii 'Neptune's Gold' - a
fairly new variety.
The new leaves are a lime green colour as you can see. The label says
that this will be followed by yellow thistle like cones that gradually
turn an electric blue while the bracts remain golden yellow.
![[4929] Photo 4929](/blog/2017/May/eryngium/img_4929.jpg)
Click to
Posted Thu 04 May 2017 in garden
I know that the lawn was a bit of a pond during the winter but
this is just ridiculous!
![[4918] Photo 4918](/blog/2017/May/wildlife-visitors/img_4918.jpg)
![[4919] Photo 4919](/blog/2017/May/wildlife-visitors/img_4919.jpg)
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Posted Wed 03 May 2017 in garden
The tulips planted this year are now starting to flower.
Wasn't sure what I would think after I realised
they were double flowered varieties,
but they do look rather impressive.
These ones are distinctly different
from the first of the
new tulips that flowered.
These have a much larger and showier flower.
![[4893] Photo 4893](/blog/2017/May/new-tulips/img_4893.jpg)
![[4890] Photo 4890](/blog/2017/May/new-tulips/img_4890.jpg)
![[4891] Photo 4891](/blog/2017/May/new-tulips/img_4891.jpg)
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Posted Wed 03 May 2017 in house
Starting to harden off the young seedlings.
There is hopefully no chance of frost at this stage
and I am eager to plant them out as they are getting a bit large for
the small planting cells.
![[4897] Photo 4897](/blog/2017/May/seeds-at-6-weeks/img_4897.jpg)
![[4898] Photo 4898](/blog/2017/May/seeds-at-6-weeks/img_4898.jpg)
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