Posted Fri 17 March 2017 in garden
A single flower from the other periwinkle or vinca. I've been looking
at plants in the garden centers and one with leaves of a similar size
to this are labeled as Vinca major. So this one could be Vinca major
and the other with the much smaller leaves be a Vina minor. I thought
that the V. major had hairs around the leaf margin, but maybe that is
not necessary.
![[4471] Photo 4471](/blog/2017/Mar/the-large-leaf-vinca-with-a-flower/img_4471.jpg)
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Posted Mon 13 March 2017 in garden
First daffodil to flower.
May have been a day or so ago as I was away for a couple of days.
I was over in Shropshire, where the daffodils are out almost
everywhere, far more advanced than here.
![[4455] Photo 4455](/blog/2017/Mar/first-daffodil-flower/img_4455.jpg)
Click to
Posted Mon 13 March 2017 in garden
Remember how I thought that the catkins on the hazel did not look much
like ones that you typically see in photos?
Well that is because they were not fully developed, a couple of days
ago I noticed that some of them had opened out and become opened out
hanging down and blowing freely in the wind.
In the photo not only can you see the catkin, you can also see the
tiny pink flower.
![[catkin and flower 4449] Photo 4449](/blog/2017/Mar/corkscrew-hazel-catkins-open-out-fully/img_4449.jpg)
Click to
Posted Thu 09 March 2017 in garden
One thing that I want to have but doesn't appear to be in the garden
is some snowdrops.
So I bought a little pot of them and planted them.
They don't like to dry out and there is no chance of that here. There
was water at the bottom of the hole that I dug for them. I hope of
course that it is not too wet for them. Perhaps there is none already because
they just don't survive.
I planted them admittedly on the "wet side" (although there is not too
much difference on the borders) but they do get some sun there.
Here they are in their pot.
![[4426] snowdrops Photo 4426](/blog/2017/Mar/planting-snowdrops/img_4426.jpg)
And here they are planted.
![[4428] Snowdrops Photo 4428](/blog/2017/Mar/planting-snowdrops/img_4428.jpg)
Click to
Posted Sun 05 March 2017 in garden
I bought a purple loosestrife
(Lythrum salicaria 'Robert')
from Cowell's garden centre.
These are rather lovely plants that attract lots of bees
and I am hoping that they will do well in the very moist conditions in the garden.
Here it is in its pot.
![[4390] Photo 4390](/blog/2017/Mar/purple-loosestrife/img_4390.jpg)
I eventually decided to plant it between the cordyline and the second
pheasant berry bush.
Yes, there is not much to see at the moment.
![[4424] Photo 4424](/blog/2017/Mar/purple-loosestrife/img_4424.jpg)
I can only recall ever seeing one of these in the wild, which when I
lived in Carshalton.
I took a couple of pictures at the time (2012).
![[2217] Photo 2217](/blog/2017/Mar/purple-loosestrife/img_2217.jpg)
![[2216] Photo 2216](/blog/2017/Mar/purple-loosestrife/img_2216.jpg)
Click to
Posted Sat 04 March 2017 in garden
I received this newsletter
showing the bright pink of a hazel flower.
Seeing it I realised that this was exactly what I saw and took a
picture of earlier.
Here is a more recent clearer picture.
![[Corkscrew hazel flower 4432] Hazel Flower Photo 4432](/blog/2017/Mar/hazel-flowers/img_4432.jpg)
Click to
Posted Thu 02 March 2017 in garden
The first crocus flowers have appeared. The yellow one is in the
trough container that I brought with me.
The blue/purple one is one of the ones that was already in the garden.
![[Crocus 4400] Crocus in flower. Photo 4400](/blog/2017/Mar/first-crocus-flowers/img_4400.jpg)
![[4402] Photo 4402](/blog/2017/Mar/first-crocus-flowers/img_4402.jpg)
Click to
Posted Tue 28 February 2017 in garden
This is a roundup of what happened in the garden during February.
Don't forget I have just moved in and am seeing the plants grow for the
first time, having to guess at what plants are from last years dead
foliage and the new shoots.
There was about two whole weeks of dry weather during the month.
The lawn almost dried out! Well not really - the center and right part
was still quite soggy.
Then it rained for a whole day and everything was saturated again.
Daffodils have flower buds but they have not opened yet.
![[4365] Photo 4365](/blog/2017/Feb/february-roundup/img_4365.jpg)
There are montbretia sprouting everywhere, with leaves up to a couple
of inches.
Of the bulbs that I planted, several tulips are coming up, and there
are a couple of either bluebells or muscari. The photo shows one and
a tulip.
![[4386] Photo 4386](/blog/2017/Feb/february-roundup/img_4386.jpg)
The crocuses were not out, one is about to flower …
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