Posted Sat 20 April 2019 in garden
Six on Saturday is hosted by
The Propagator blog and here are my six this week. Lovely warm day here so getting this
out quickly.
1 Daffodils
I don't know what these are,
they are supposed to be 'February gold' but those are all yellow.
So they could be 'February silver' which might be the easy mistake to
make, but since they are so late flowering
they could be just something else entirely.
The trumpets are a pale yellow when they first open and they later
darken to a creamy orange. Some of the stems have two flowers
although most are single.
I like them so am not complaining, and in fact I was somewhat
wishing that I had picked another kind. They early flowering was the
main attraction.
![[7101] Photo 7101](/blog/2019/Apr/six-on-saturday-20th-april/img_7101.jpg)
2. Tulipa schrenkii
All three of these are now out.
Possibly my favorite.
![[7102] Photo 7102](/blog/2019/Apr/six-on-saturday-20th-april/img_7102.jpg)
3. Brunnera macrophylla 'Hadspen cream'
This is looking …
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Posted Fri 19 April 2019 in garden
Today it reached 17C which is the warmest day this year, tomorrow is
likely to be warmer still. I started
wonerdering how many warmest days there will be this year.
So far there have been 9: on the
4 Jan 2019,
6 Jan 2019,
7 Jan 2019,
15 Feb 2019,
21 Feb 2019,
22 Feb 2019,
20 Mar 2019,
21 Mar 2019 and today.
There are several of the second set of daffodils now out.
These are supposed to be N. 'February gold', but they are clearly
When these first open they have a lemony yellow center, which then
turns to a creamy orange. There are also a case where a single stem
has two flowers, although they are mostly single.
![[7094] Photo 7094](/blog/2019/Apr/warmest-day-so-far/img_7094.jpg)
The photo also shows all three of the Tulipa schrenkii and
one of my Tiarella 'Spring symphony'.
All of the Tulipa kolpakowskianaat the back are …
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Posted Sun 14 April 2019 in garden
Originally there was some Lonicera hedging in the shape of a cube. I
cut it right back to a line of shrubs at the front of the right
I've always been meaning to remove this
and transfer it somewhere else, probably to replace the
Laurel in the front garden.
I finally dug it up today, it is in temporary accommodation
at the moment and will be moved once I've cut down more of the laurel.
The Geum 'Totally tangerine' was too near the path and it is also
overshadowing the Nerines, so I chopped it up and moved it further back.
The other pieces have been planted in different places to see how they
do. They can be removed if the space is needed.
The Physostegia virginiana
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Posted Sat 13 April 2019 in garden
The first Tulipa kolpakowskiana flower opened today.
The leaves are very narrow on this tulip and the flower is smaller
than the Tulipa schrenkii and flatter when open.
![[7084] Photo 7084](/blog/2019/Apr/tulipa-kolpakowskiana-opened/img_7084.jpg)
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Posted Wed 10 April 2019 in garden
The first Tulipa schrenkii flower fully opened today.
![[7080] Photo 7080](/blog/2019/Apr/tulipa-schrenkii-opened/img_7080.jpg)
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Posted Wed 10 April 2019 in garden
My Primula vialii has survived for another year.
I'm especially pleased
as I've been told that they typically do not survive very long.
Its in the wettest part of the garden in heavy clay soil. Still with
the long dry spell last year even that part of the garden dried out.
Last years flower stems are visible. I leave them to keep track of
where it is as the plant completely dies down over the winter leaving
no other trace.
![[7078] Photo 7078](/blog/2019/Apr/primula-vialii-returns/img_7078.jpg)
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Posted Sat 06 April 2019 in garden
Snow this Wednesday morning, it melted by the afternoon, but had
flattened a few plants which have mostly recovered now.
The temperature dipped below zero on Monday morning but it was still
above zero when it was snowing.
This weeks Six on Saturday as hosted at
The Propagator blog.
1 Chionodoxa
I thought that I had lost most of this, but as well as this there are
also a few flowers in among the Puschkinia. I was given a few
more bulbs which I have planted in other places around the garden.
![[7068] Photo 7068](/blog/2019/Apr/six-on-saturday-6-apr/img_7068.jpg)
2 Tulipa schrenkii
There are three of these which I am looking forward to seeing all out
![[7070] Photo 7070](/blog/2019/Apr/six-on-saturday-6-apr/img_7070.jpg)
3 More Tulips
These came from a single bulb in 2013. It was the palest of the batch that I bought and the name has been lost in the mists of time. I removed a few bulbs and planted …
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Posted Sun 31 March 2019 in garden
You can compare with last years round up
if you wish. It is interesting to note that the Pieris
already had its red shoots in March in 2017, but not this year or
last. In most other respects this year is similar to 2017.
March was a reasonably warm month with only one day when the
temperature dropped below freezing.
The highest temperature of the year so far of 16C occurred on the
21st. I know that some places further south had higher temperatures than that in
February, but not here - the temperature never reached 15C in Feb.
There were still some crocuses flowering, although they were all
finished by the end of the month.
![[6990] Photo 6990](/blog/2019/Mar/end-of-march-round-up/img_6990.jpg)
The primroses were flowering. Here is the one that suffered a vine
weevil attack. It was great to see it recover from nothing to begin
flowering again.
![[7014] Photo 7014](/blog/2019/Mar/end-of-march-round-up/img_7014.jpg)
The original clump of Brunnera macrophylla…
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