Posted Sat 30 March 2019 in garden
Its been a dry week with a fair amount of sun but not especially warm.
The early part the day was sunny and I moved a few plants around
before it rained.
Here are six pictures from this morning for Six on Saturday.
1 Daffodils
I bought two new daffodils this year, N. 'February gold'
and N. 'Jetfire'. Now I expected the 'February gold' to appear
first, perhaps even in February, but this appears to be 'Jetfire' as
the centers are orange (they are more orange in real life than in this
The other daffodils are way behind and the buds are only just above
ground, or not yet visible. It is going to be a week or two before I
see what the others are like.
![[7052] Photo 7052](/blog/2019/Mar/last-saturday-in-march/img_7052.jpg)
2 Tulips
The plan for this years tulips was to get some that would return every year and bulk up …
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Posted Fri 29 March 2019 in garden
I've started sowing the seeds from the HPS exchange scheme.
The Primula japonica were supposed to be sown as soon as possible.
Well I didn't do that so I sowed them outside a week or so ago. I put
some in two marked areas and then just spread them around. There is
still seed left, so I may put some in a tray later.
I sowed some of the others indoors on the windowsill.
Three of them have germinated so far.
The first one was Salvia microphylla ex 'Cerro Potosí'. This is a
reasonably sized seedling
![[7034] Photo 7034](/blog/2019/Mar/first-hps-seeds-germinated/img_7034.jpg)
Next was Veronica longifolia ex 'Marietta', closely followed by
Verbascum phoeniceum ex 'Violetta'.
These are very tiny seedlings - particularly the Veronica which
had a very dust like seed.
The Veronica is on the left, the Verbascum on the right.
![[7061] Photo 7061](/blog/2019/Mar/first-hps-seeds-germinated/img_7061.jpg)
So doing a lot better than last year so far.
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Posted Sat 16 March 2019 in garden
Early this morning there was a small amount of snow in the ground but
it was raining and the gravel area was flooded and even part of the
left border was under water. A cyclamen was looking a bit like a water lily.
Later the sun came out and the water drained away, so I managed to
take 8 pictures. Two of them were blurred leaving six which was a
piece of luck since that is exactly the right number to
play Six on Saturday...
1 Puschkinia scilloides var. libanotica
This is my first Puschkinia flower, I've not grown them before or
even even seen one for real as far as I remember.
I planted 20 of these, but this is the only one I've found so far.
The leaves look very much like Muscari leaves so I may have been
overlooking them.
![[6999] Photo 6999](/blog/2019/Mar/six-on-saturday-16-march/img_6999.jpg)
2 Euphorbia
This used to be at …
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Posted Thu 28 February 2019 in garden
Compare with last years round up.
The month started with snow and ended with a warm spell with
temperatures between 13 and 14C.
Cyclamen in the snow. At the beginning of the month there was a short
period of snow. Here is a Cyclamen flower rising above its cover of
![[6926] Photo 6926](/blog/2019/Feb/end-of-february-round-up/img_6926.jpg)
February is the time for snowdrops.
The ones at the back left, under the cotoneasters are doing OK,
but I think overall there is not as many as there were last year.
I consider that a clump needs at least ten flowers and we are not
there yet.
The ones on the other side of the garden have not flowered yet again.
![[6952] Photo 6952](/blog/2019/Feb/end-of-february-round-up/img_6952.jpg)
The Helleboruswas a mass of flowers. This is the most expensive plant I have! Hope this one survives until next year. If you compare with last years it is a much bigger plant with …
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Posted Sat 23 February 2019 in garden
The exceptionally mild weather for this time of year continues.
Even the average night time temperature has been above 6C all week.
Growth is moving along at a fair pace now and there are few new
flowers to show, so here goes with this weeks Saturday six selection.
I've seen more ladybirds today than I recall seeing for the whole of
last year. I wonder if it is going to be a ladybird swarm year?
1 Primula
Two of my Primula that were outside the back door did not survive,
so I got these orange and blue replacements. The 'Gold lace' primula
survived and is flowering well.
![[6974] Photo 6974](/blog/2019/Feb/six-on-saturday-23rd-feb/img_6974.jpg)
2 Anemone blanda
This is the first flower of these Anemones. In addition to the existing patch and the ones I planted in time for last spring, I also planted another hundred in other parts of the garden last Autumn. No sign of …
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Posted Sat 16 February 2019 in garden
A warm week especially from Tuesday onward.
The nights have also been warm and there was only a slight ground
frost on one day.
There was also a lot of sun, but the garden is still in a lot of shade
and it takes a long time for things to wake up.
Still there are signs of flower buds on the Anemone blanda and I
have the odd crocus out, but I am behind gardens further south or
indeed ones quite nearby!
Anyway here are six things I noticed today.
1 Ligularia shoot
This is from a Ligularia from last year, it has more than one
shoot visible. It was sold as L. wilsoniana but it looks
more similar to L. × palmatiloba to me.
![[6956] Photo 6956](/blog/2019/Feb/six-on-saturday-16-feb/img_6956.jpg)
2 Lupin
This is putting on a lot of new growth, so I tidied it up a bit. It is just an ordinary purplish one, …
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Posted Thu 14 February 2019 in garden
This year I am sending for one set of plants mail order from
Ballyrobert gardens.
The order included the following plants. I got slightly carried away
and cut it down from my initial attempt.
- Persicaria vacciniifolia
- Phlox maculata 'Natascha'
- Sanguisorba obtusa
- Veronicastrum virginicum 'Erica'
- Astilbe 'Delft Lace'
- Epimedium × warleyense
- Helianthus 'Happy Days'
- Campanula glomerata 'Freya'
- Lupinus 'Persian Slipper'
- Lythrum salicaria 'Feuerkerze'
- Phlox paniculata 'Uspekh'
Speed of delivery
I placed the order late evening on the 11th.
The very next morning (12th), I received an email saying it had shipped
and it would take between 1 and 3 days. It arrived with
the normal mail on the 14th around midday.
So it was a very quick turn around.
Unboxing the order
The packaging is different again. There was an outer box which
I'm not showing a photo of. Inside were two boxes that fit exactly
inside. Here they are:
![[6945] Photo 6945](/blog/2019/Feb/ballyrobert-gardens-order/img_6945.jpg)
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Posted Sat 09 February 2019 in garden
Every day since Monday the temperature has risen above 6C. There was
some rain, but fairly light and mostly at night with just over a
centimeter over the week. Very windy last night and today, although
it has calmed somewhat as I write this.
This is my first Six on Saturday this year, so here goes with six
things though I had to resort to including a house plant as there is not much
going on.
1 Snowdrops
I have a few clumps of snowdrops at various stages of development.
These are the most advanced and are pretty much open now.
![[6934] Photo 6934](/blog/2019/Feb/six-on-saturday-9th-feb/img_6934.jpg)
2 Cyclamen
This Cyclamen coum was bought last year and it is doing very well.
It almost looks like there are two there.
![[6936] Photo 6936](/blog/2019/Feb/six-on-saturday-9th-feb/img_6936.jpg)
3 Winter aconite
I bought two pots of Eranthis hyemalisthis year, as the ones from last year don't seem to have survived. I haven't seen …
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