Posted Sat 19 May 2018 in garden
It is Saturday so
time for a very quick look at a few
things going on in the garden today, following
the Six on Saturday meme hosted by The propagator.
It was very warm and sunny today,
and I was out most of the day so here
is a very quick look around.
1 Geum 'Totally tangerine'
There is a bit of a green gap at the moment
with the tulips finished, and the Alliums are
not quite yet out.
This Geum is leading the way in colour at the moment.
It grew and flowered well last year, but in
its second year it is something else
entirely - so many flowers!
![[6366] Photo 6366](/blog/2018/May/looking-around-the-garden/img_6366.jpg)
2 Geum 'Cosmopolitan'
I've added a few new Geums this year and this
is the first of the new ones to flower.
It is just as gorgeous as I had hoped.
![[6369] Photo 6369](/blog/2018/May/looking-around-the-garden/img_6369.jpg)
3 Tiarella 'Spring symphony'
This is …
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Posted Thu 17 May 2018 in garden
Here is a progress report on all the plants that I obtained from
Penlan Perenials.
When they arrived only one had green leaves already, others had
noticable shoots, others had nothing showing at all.
Happily all are now growing well.
Here we go in the same order as in the post marking their
Ligularia przewalskii
This is growing well and is not wilting
during this dry spell, so that is good.
I bought another one and it is suffering a
![[6350] Photo 6350](/blog/2018/May/penlan-progress/img_6350.jpg)
Actaea simplex 'Brunette'
The leaves blend into the background in this photo
but it is growing quite well.
![[6351] Photo 6351](/blog/2018/May/penlan-progress/img_6351.jpg)
Geranium wallichianum 'Crystal Lake'
This was marked as having just been potted up from a bare root plant on the order and to wait until roots are showing before planting it out. It has taken a long time to grow any leaves - I was a bit worried for …
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Posted Thu 17 May 2018 in garden
This is the first of the Lupins to flower.
As it was from a mixture I don't know
how they are going to turn out.
I like this one, it is blue and white and
also as the individual flowers open a int of
yellow is appearing.
![[6355] Photo 6355](/blog/2018/May/lupins/img_6355.jpg)
This is the smallest one of the Lupins, it
is growing, but it is well behind.
![[6345] Photo 6345](/blog/2018/May/lupins/img_6345.jpg)
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Posted Thu 17 May 2018 in garden
New shots of one of the Echinops ritro
that I got from Wilko.
![[6343] Photo 6343](/blog/2018/May/echinops-sprouting/img_6343.jpg)
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Posted Sun 13 May 2018 in garden
Here is a better picture of the mystery plant from yesterdays
six on Saturday.
It was meant to be an Echinacea but it clearly is not.
I will keep updating this page as it develops.
Update 22nd May
I have a new idea: maybe it is Saponaria ocymoides.
Here are some pictures of it to compare:
It is very close, including the redish stems, the pink 5 petalled
flowers, the tube beneath the flower, the leaves are opposite and
the general leaf shape.
Some pictures of it have thinner petals than others.
Update 21st May
A number of flowers are out now.
![[6372] Photo 6372](/blog/2018/May/mystery-plant/img_6372.jpg)
Update 20th May
The flowers are about twice the size of my forget-me-nots
and Brunnera and are looking less like forget-me-nots now.
Another picture to follow when a few more flowers have opened.
Whatever it is it is quite pretty and almost …
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Posted Sun 13 May 2018 in garden
The Echinacea have been very slow to grow.
I have finally removed them from their pots
into the garden.
Only two have grown - I had suspected that one was already dead
on opening the packet.
I had already planted three plants that
claimed to be Echinaceas but clearly are not,
so I replaced two of them with these ones.
One of the replaced plants is looking as if
it is dying, so it has gone into a pot,
and I moved the other one to the border edge
as it looks like it is going to be a low
growing plant
So here are the first young leaves of the Echinacea.
![[6341] Photo 6341](/blog/2018/May/echinacea/img_6341.jpg)
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Posted Sat 12 May 2018 in garden
Six things going on in the garden today, go to
The propagator blog for more garden views this weekend.
When I lived in the South I loved to go to Kew gardens especially
when the bluebells were out.
Our native bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta is very elegant and
looks amazing when carpeting a wide area.
It has a lovely colour, with straight sided flowers hanging from one
side of the stem, and the petals curving right
back at the ends almost touching the main flower again.
It seems that there are a lot of hybrids around but this one looks the
part at least.
![[6336] Photo 6336](/blog/2018/May/six-in-the-garden-today-12-may/img_6336.jpg)
Lily of the valley
I do like the flowers, shame that the plant spreads so much
and was just about everywhere.
I removed a lot last year, leaving a few in selected places.
![[6312] Photo 6312](/blog/2018/May/six-in-the-garden-today-12-may/img_6312.jpg)
My first Geranium flower
I have a few Geraniumplants, this was …
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Posted Sat 05 May 2018 in garden
A wonderful sunny day today so lets have a quick look at six
things around the garden following the meme hosted over
on The propagator blog.
1 Tulip
Last year I had a single tulip among the Brunnera
that looked really good.
I thought that it had come back, but it turns out that it is
a completely different colour!
I suppose it must be one of the "Triumph" ones.
At a certain time, the sun catches just the flower making it look like
it is glowing above the Brunnera below.
![[6278] Photo 6278](/blog/2018/May/six-on-saturday-5th-may/img_6278.jpg)
2 Actaea
This is A. pachypoda 'Misty Blue'.
It looks like it getting flower buds before the leaves are even
fully open.
![[6290] Photo 6290](/blog/2018/May/six-on-saturday-5th-may/img_6290.jpg)
3 Tiarella
This is T. "Sugar and spice", it is the first of my Tiarellato flower. Both the "spring symphony" are just starting to flower and the "pink skyrocket" variety has masses of buds but they …
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