Posted Sat 07 April 2018 in garden
The Saturday rain curse struck again, but I took some pictures this
morning just before it started for
another Six on Saturday.
1 Tulip "Orange brilliant"
My first, and so far only tulip of the year.
Very striking and clearly visible from the
![[6163] Photo 6163](/blog/2018/Apr/six-on-saturday-7th-april/img_6163.jpg)
2 Geum 'Totally tangerine'
This has been putting out flower buds since January, but none have
actually opened until now.
![[6166] Photo 6166](/blog/2018/Apr/six-on-saturday-7th-april/img_6166.jpg)
3 Primrose
This hasn't grown as well as some of the others, but it now seems
more settled and is rather pretty.
![[6167] Photo 6167](/blog/2018/Apr/six-on-saturday-7th-april/img_6167.jpg)
4 Mini Daffodils
These small daffodils came with the garden. I don't know what kind
they are, but they look like "Rip van Winkle".
To be honest I prefer the regular daffodil flower.
![[6169] Photo 6169](/blog/2018/Apr/six-on-saturday-7th-april/img_6169.jpg)
5 Brunnera 'Looking glass'
This is my new Brunnera, which has silvery leaves. The first leaf, while still small is now big enough to see what it is going …
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Posted Sat 07 April 2018 in garden
I didn't get an early picture of these last year, so here are the
Polygonatum (Solomon's seal) initial shoots.
![[6165] Photo 6165](/blog/2018/Apr/polygonatum-shoots/img_6165.jpg)
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Posted Thu 05 April 2018 in garden
The Ligularia przewalskii has suddenly
sprung into life.
It must be loving all the rain we had over Easter.
![[6156] Photo 6156](/blog/2018/Apr/ligularia/img_6156.jpg)
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Posted Sat 31 March 2018 in garden
March was an interesting month, cold periods with snow cover, a few warm days and to
round off the month continuous rain on the last day. In most cases growth is delayed
compared to last year.
So here is the March round up of everything that has been happening in the garden.
Comparison to last year
Everything is all so very different
to last year
here are the main differences.
This time, last year, all of the daffodils in the main
patch were out. This year there is one out and that is an aberration.
The Pieris was already started to put out the new red-shoot growth,
this year there is no sign of this yet.
The Anemone blanda had flowered already, but this year the buds are
developing still.
The Forsythia is just starting to bud, last year it had already flowered by
the middle of the month.
The …
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Posted Sat 24 March 2018 in garden
Today started off wet but the clouds cleared and it became sunnier
the longer the day went on. Very warm when the sun was out too.
After a break here are six more things that can be seen
in the garden this Saturday.
I have my first Daffodil flower and to me that means that spring has
finally arrived.
This is much later than last year, where the first one was out
on the 13th March or perhaps a day or two earlier.
It remains the only one that is out and it is going to be days before
any more join it in the main clump. This is also very different than
last year when there were several out within days of each other.
This daffodil was an early starter and its flower bud was clearly visible in the middle of January. It is also the same one …
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Posted Fri 23 March 2018 in garden
The first Daffodil in the garden opened today. This is a full 10 days
later than last year (perhaps more - I was away for a few days last
Also this particular Daffodil is completely ahead of all the rest in
its clump, there are no others anywhere near ready to open.
![[6101] Photo 6101](/blog/2018/Mar/first-daffodil/img_6101.jpg)
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Posted Wed 21 March 2018 in garden
Over the weekend we had a little bit of snow, just a thin covering.
It wasn't that cold although it was very breezy for several days
in a row.
It was all preceded by very persistent rain, so everything was already
The plant pots froze but I'm not sure about the ground - perhaps just
for a day.
I was not expecting this cold spell therefore to cause any problems as
this was a much shorter and seemingly less severe episode than
In fact there appears to be a fair amount of new damage I've noticed
and it would be interesting to know why. It is possible that the
thick layer of snow previously was more protecting or the wind had an
My Physostegia has remained green throughout the winter, but all of a
sudden it is looking rather wilted.
![[6092] Photo 6092](/blog/2018/Mar/recent-snow-damage/img_6092.jpg)
This Aquilegiahas curled damaged edges around …
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Posted Fri 09 March 2018 in garden
The catkins on the corkscrew hazel have been rapidly growing longer
and are now just about fully open - if open is the right word to use
here when they drop and go fluffy.
Last year catkin open day for the same tree fell on 13th March when
I noticed them. They may have been open for a couple of days
beforehand - I was away for a few days if I recall correctly.
The picture today (9th March) may be a little less open than when I
first saw them last year.
So catkin opening is pretty much the same time as last year, perhaps a
day or so earlier.
![[6087] Photo 6087](/blog/2018/Mar/catkin-open-day/img_6087.jpg)
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