Posted Sun 11 February 2018 in garden
I joined the Hardy plant society
and was surprised to receive a selection of seeds that presumably had been left over
from the yearly seed distribution.
Here they are mainly for my own reference:
- Triteleia laxa
- I'd not heard of these before but they appear to be only
marginally hardy and need protecting from winter wet, so they may
not do too well here.
- Salvia stachydifolia
- This looks like a fairly tall Salvia. Says to wait until spring to
- Hosta ex 'George Smith' (sieboldiana)
- I've not so far had any desire to have any Hostas, but I suppose now
I shall have some anyway. Well if they survive the slugs.
Sow in spring.
- Potentilla delphinensis
- A yellow flowered Potentilla. The existing Potentillas are not doing
very well, so we shall see how this does.
- Papaver atlanticum ex 'Flore Pleno'
- Orange semi-double flowers, look lovely, looking forward …
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Posted Sat 10 February 2018 in garden
It snowed on Tuesday, but it mostly melted before the end of the day.
Today is fairly warm and it got out sunny. I was expecting it to be a
complete washout like last week, but was able to go out and take some
pictures in reasonable light.
1 Hellebore
I've never got the attraction of the Hellebore, so
I thought I should get one to see what the fuss is all about.
Even thought the garden center has a vast range, none really appealed.
Finally settled on this one that was unwanted and on sale, its
flowers nicely raised, calling out to be bought.
![[6007] Photo 6007](/blog/2018/Feb/saturday-six-feb-10th/img_6007.jpg)
2 Corkscrew hazel flower
These tiny little flowers are appearing at a similar time to last year.
![[6011] Photo 6011](/blog/2018/Feb/saturday-six-feb-10th/img_6011.jpg)
3 Rudbeckia leaves
I joined the Hardy plant society and received the current journal. It contains a fascinating article about root systems by Noel Kingsbury. One of the …
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Posted Sun 04 February 2018 in garden
This are the first leaves
of the already existing patch of Anenemes (probably A. blanda).
I don't have any such early pictures of this last year, the first
picture was on 13th March when it started to flower.
I have planted more A. blanda elsewhere in the garden although I've
forgotten exactly where. I should be able to recognise them now.
![[5986] Photo 5986](/blog/2018/Feb/first-anemone/img_5986.jpg)
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Posted Sun 04 February 2018 in garden
After last years bluebell disappointment, I am hoping that this
year the new ones I planted will turn out to be actual English bluebells.
Here are the first shoots I noticed this year, still a couple of months until
These are under the forsythia at the side of the house.
![[5984] Photo 5984](/blog/2018/Feb/bluebell-shoots/img_5984.jpg)
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Posted Wed 31 January 2018 in garden
January started with some severe frosts and snow.
Long periods where the night time temperature dropped below 0C.
After the snow the temperatures soared to heights that are average for
May, and when the wind calmed down and the sun came out it did feel like a spring day.
Temperatures then fell back to those more typical for winter but still
above freezing.
Finally there is some sun returning to the garden. At the start of
the month the garden is in shade all day, but at the end the back and
right borders are now getting a certain amount of sunshine when it is
There were flowers on
the blue Primrose that was already here
as well as the Winter Jasmine.
I bought a few things that were in flower already to add to the
display, including a few primroses, I am
particularly liking this yellow one
![[5971] Photo 5971](/blog/2018/Jan/january-round-up/img_5971.jpg)
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Posted Sat 27 January 2018 in garden
After a thick layer of snow last Sunday, the weather warmed up
to Spring-like temperatures.
When it was calm and the sun was out, it was very pleasant indeed.
Warm but a bit breezy today for this weeks Six on Saturday.
1 Primroses
These two sit just outside the back door so they are a delightful
patch of colour close to the house.
There are a few bulbs nearby so I am looking forward to an interesting
![[5955] Photo 5955](/blog/2018/Jan/six-things-saturday-27th/img_5955.jpg)
2 Snowdrops
This is the first one to open. Well it is almost open anyway.
![[5957] Photo 5957](/blog/2018/Jan/six-things-saturday-27th/img_5957.jpg)
3 Polemonium shoots
A couple of days ago I noticed
that the Polemonium that I got as a bargain at the tail end
of last year had survived and was growing new leaves.
I was glad because it would not have been a bargain if it hadn't survived.
So I took a closer look at my …
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Posted Thu 25 January 2018 in garden
Last year I got a cheap scruffy looking
Polemonium caeruleum 'Brise D'Anjou' (second picture).
Here are some new shoots I first saw today.
The shoots are remarkable perfect minuture versions of the adult leaves, and the
varegated nature can already be seen.
Suprised to see it so soon especially after the cold and snow
![[5951] Photo 5951](/blog/2018/Jan/polemonium-shoots/img_5951.jpg)
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Posted Thu 25 January 2018 in garden
There are two orchids
growing in the garden.
I left the old stalk on each of them and each of them already has a
shoot appearing right next to the old stalk.
I didn't notice them this early last year.
So far there is still the one shoot per plant, I was hoping there
would be two each this year but no such luck so far anyway.
They do not flower until May/June.
The first is right at the edge of the path by the back door.
![[5945] Photo 5945](/blog/2018/Jan/orchids/img_5945.jpg)
The second is under The Tree.
![[5950] Photo 5950](/blog/2018/Jan/orchids/img_5950.jpg)
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