Posted Wed 24 January 2018 in garden
I couldn't resist getting three packets of perennials for £5.
They are crowns of plants in loose dry compost in a plastic bag.
Last year I bought some delphiniums in similar packaging and
by the time I came to plant them, they were almost completely
indistinguishable from the compost. I planted them without much hope
and indeed they did not grow.
By gently tipping the bags to and fro I made sure that there were some
signs of life in the ones I picked. This post is about the Lupins and
Echinaceas. The other packet was a Canna, which I will write about
when I decide what to do with it.
![[5943] Photo 5943](/blog/2018/Jan/de-ree-lupins-and-echinaceas/img_5943.jpg)
There were supposed to be four and that's how many there were, all had plenty of growth. Perhaps too much for this early in the year. One had a very large root, there were two medium sized ones …
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Posted Sat 20 January 2018 in garden
There was snow this week and the lawn is still covered although it
has melted somewhat around the borders. Today was sunny and as there
was very little wind did not feel cold at all.
Next week a mini heatwave is forecast of up to 11C.
The most exciting thing for me is to see the shoots returning of things that
I planted last year; currently I have the first Tulips, lots of
crocuses and plenty of snowdrops.
That may not be so interesting to anyone else reading this, so I have
mostly avoided new shoots in this weeks Six On Saturday
as hosted by The propagator blog.
1 Primroses
I accidentally planted three primroses in a straight line instead of
the triangular clump I was aiming for, so I had to get an orange one to
make the group a bit more interesting and it was planted today.
![[5923] Photo 5923](/blog/2018/Jan/six-on-jan-20th/img_5923.jpg)
2 …
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Posted Tue 16 January 2018 in garden
I got four Tiarella plants of three different varieties, two of the
variety "Spring symphony", and one each of "Pink skyrocket" and "Sugar
and Spice".
Two are already planted, first the Pink skyrocket is next to the
![[5912] Photo 5912](/blog/2018/Jan/tiarella-tiarella-tiarella/img_5912.jpg)
and second, one of the Spring symphony.
It is blending into the background with those very brown leaves.
![[5913] Photo 5913](/blog/2018/Jan/tiarella-tiarella-tiarella/img_5913.jpg)
I kept finding bulbs when looking for somewhere to plant, so I am
going to wait a bit before planting the other two and see where
there is a good space.
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Posted Tue 16 January 2018 in garden
Bought and planted some primrose
over the weekend.
The first two are outside the back door.
![[5911] Photo 5911](/blog/2018/Jan/primroses/img_5911.jpg)
The second three are in the right border
near the Lobelia.
I didn't mean to plant them all in a line, I may
have to get another one to complete the group...
![[5914] Photo 5914](/blog/2018/Jan/primroses/img_5914.jpg)
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Posted Tue 16 January 2018 in garden
Last year I bought and
planted some snowdrops
in early March after it was clear that there were not any already
I was also given quite a few bulbs which I planted in various places
and then promptly forgot exactly where.
This year I didn't see any appearing so just in case I bought some
along with some Primula and Tiarella.
Here are the ones I just planted.
![[5905] Photo 5905](/blog/2018/Jan/snowdrops-appearing/img_5905.jpg)
I was particularly worried that the ones that I'd planted last year
were not going to re-appear, but I do believe that they are starting
to grow. They are very small, a little below the center of the
![[5908] Photo 5908](/blog/2018/Jan/snowdrops-appearing/img_5908.jpg)
There are more more all around the left border area, the ones
in the first picture are almost in flower.
![[5902] Photo 5902](/blog/2018/Jan/snowdrops-appearing/img_5902.jpg)
![[5906] Photo 5906](/blog/2018/Jan/snowdrops-appearing/img_5906.jpg)
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Posted Sat 06 January 2018 in garden
I wasn't sure if I would have anything for today, but I took some
photos and there happens to be six that are reasonably in focus so
here goes.
1 Foxgloves
There were many of these by the side of the house last year. I am
assuming that they are foxgloves and that they be will be flowering this year.
![[5885] Photo 5885](/blog/2018/Jan/six-on-the-6th/img_5885.jpg)
2 Sedum
I thought this looked rather colourful.
![[5887] Photo 5887](/blog/2018/Jan/six-on-the-6th/img_5887.jpg)
3 Sidalcea
To my great surprise some of the buds have opened out somewhat.
During the cold spell, the flower spike drooped, but it is now
straightened up again.
![[5890] Photo 5890](/blog/2018/Jan/six-on-the-6th/img_5890.jpg)
4 Euphorbia
I don't much like this, but it is preparing to flower so will provide
a bit of colour soon. By colour I mean green.
![[5892] Photo 5892](/blog/2018/Jan/six-on-the-6th/img_5892.jpg)
5 Lobelia
Both my hardy Lobelias are putting up new growth already.
Here is the Starship scarlet.
![[5893] Photo 5893](/blog/2018/Jan/six-on-the-6th/img_5893.jpg)
6 What's this?
It looks like a Californian poppy to …
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Posted Sun 31 December 2017 in garden
An unusual December as it has already snowed twice.
The ground was frozen for the best part of a week on
the first occasion.
Snow on the Sedum
![[5838] Photo 5838](/blog/2017/Dec/end-of-december-round-up/img_5838.jpg)
Salvia hardiness
According to the RHS
Salvia Hot
is rated H5 so should survive even severe winters. It has indeed
survived so far.
Again according to the RHS the "Wendy's wish"
variety has a hardiness rating of H3 and so it may have survived a
milder winter here. It is deciduous but given the sudden leaf death
after the cold spell I suspect it is not going to make it.
I also believed that I had seen that "Radio red" was also rated at H3 but after checking just before writing this, I was mistaken about that - there is no rating currently on the RHS site for it. Its label when I bought it did say that it was half …
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Posted Sat 30 December 2017 in garden
It snowed yesterday and there is still a covering
over most of the garden - well there was when I
took the pictures, but it has all gone now now that I am
writing this up.
So here goes for the final
Six on Saturday for the year.
It turned out that I had more than 6 things that I wanted
to include for a change even though it is late in the year.
1 Blue Primrose
Lets start with some flowers!
I like the colour of these, shame that the leaves never look great and
the flowers get eaten easily. Here they are looking about as good as
they ever do.
![[5872] Photo 5872](/blog/2017/Dec/six-on-the-last-saturday-of-2017/img_5872.jpg)
2 Bulbs sprouting
Saw these for the first time today.
I planted a number of different bulbs and didn't note
exactly which ones I planted where.
As I don't recognise them I am assuming that they will be …
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